Submit Tax Documents-Online Tax Preparation-No Office Visit required

Client IncomeTax Questionaire

How did you hear about Tax Smart?

Marital Status

Has marital status changed in 2024?

Have you informed Canada Revenue Agency about your marital change?

Did you reside in Canada for 365 days in 2024?

Do you own foreign property valued at more than $100,000?

Is the province you reside in different than your mailing address?

Did you move for a job or move more than 40km closer to your current work location in 2024?

Income sources other than T4's.

Did you have any employment expenses or did you work at home in 2024?(Apprentice Tools, Sales, Union Dues, Travel)

Did you have any of these sources of income in 2024?

Did you have any unregistered Stocks, Bonds or Mutual Funds in 2024?

If so, did you sell any investments or cash in RRSP's in 2024?

Did you sell your home, cottage, land or any other capital property in 2024?

Did you have business or apartment rental income in 2024?

Did you contribute to an RRSP or Registered Home Savings Plan in 2024?

Did you pay Spousal or Child Support in 2024?

Did you have dependents in 2024? (Children, Parents, etc.)

Did you pay a Babysitter or have Day Care expenses in 2024?

Did your children participate in any sports or arts programs in 2024?

Did you or your dependents attend college or university in 2024 or in the last 3 years?

Did you pay interest on a student loan in 2024?

Did you or a member of your household suffer from a disability or have special needs in 2024?

Have you paid for any medical expenses or donated to a charity in 2024?

Did you buy a home for the first time in 2024?

Did you do renovations to your home because of a person with a disability living there in 2024?

Did you volunteer for more than 200 hours as a firefighter or search and rescue?

Please email or fax (902)444-3432 your  previous years tax return and your tax documents and we will prepare your return without having to visit our office.

We will then call you to conduct an interview and ask you to submit payment and send us a signed authorization to electronically file your return.

We will email you a copy of your completed tax return.

* Employment expenses, Rental and Business returns will be have to be quoted based on time and complexity.